Introducing Zach Adams, Director of Business Development

Zach Adams, Director of Business Development
Zach grew up around the cold storage industry with summers spent sweeping warehouse floors and painting engine rooms in his early junior high and high school years. Upon graduation from college, Zach began his career with a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company. Since then, he has spent the better part of the last 10 years in sales and in business development for cold storage construction and material handling companies in the supply chain.

Zach is working with organizations across the country to use technology and density to mitigate costs while increasing profitability. Want to talk about how to drive down the cost per pallet and increase profitability? Zach is standing by – [email protected]

If you want to get to know Zach a little better, keep reading. We ask Zach about his childhood ambitions, favorite books, and more!

Childhood ambition: Playing professional baseball. I was either playing, in camps or taking batting and pitching lessons from as early as I could through high school. Anytime I have an opportunity to play now, feels therapeutic.

One phone call that changed your life: The call I received from my wife as she was heading to the hospital to give birth to our first child. Becoming a father hadn’t really hit me until that call and since has changed and blessed my life for the better.

One person you’d like to meet: This list is a three-way tie. However, outside of Jesus, I’d say Elon Musk. From a businessman to overall intelligence, he is as interesting as they get.

Favorite book(s): Good to Great by Jim Collins; The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey; The Bible
Favorite tune(s): Country is always a go-to for me.
Favorite movie(s): Mostly sports movies: Rookie of the Year; Remember the Titans; Rudy. Movies like Interstellar and Inception are also close to the top.

If you had to vacate your house, after family and pets, what is one thing you’d take with you? Probably our family car. We’ll need to get around!

One thing people would be surprised to know about you: Albeit that I’m in a role that is customer-facing and highly interactive and thrive being in and around groups of people, I would argue that I’m slightly introverted as I enjoy personal downtime to recharge.

Favorite place on earth: Anywhere with my family, but especially, somewhere cruising on a boat with my family.

What always makes you laugh: I’ve seen all of Jim Carrey’s comedy movies multiple times and without fail, always belly laugh throughout!