FLEXSPACE Mobile Racking System Improves Storage Capacity by 60%* at Nor-Am Cold Storage

We are pleased to share the completion of a Poweracks installation at Nor-Am Cold Storage in Kansas.

In 2017, Nor-Am purchased the Affiliated Foods distribution center in Elwood, Kansas. It quickly became clear that an expansion was necessary to accommodate increased customer demand for its deep freeze (-20F) capabilities. In 2018, a 41,000 square foot expansion was underway and completed in earlier this year.

This expansion provided Nor-Am the opportunity to utilize Poweracks, mobile, high density storage system. The business case was obvious, when compared to double-double*:

  • 60% more pallet positions

  • 100% accessibility to every pallet

  • 169% increase in annual EBITDA

Gaining more efficiency, agility, and revenue – provided Nor-Am the ability to capitalize on a smaller building footprint, resulting in lower operating costs.

As the Poweracks installation was underway, Mother Nature was not our friend. We faced down a Polar Vortex and the Missouri River flood. We’re proud to say our team was able to meet compressed deadlines and ensure that ice cream would be frozen this summer.